Happy April!
Can you believe that more than six months have passed since the Workday Finance project was started? It's been a very successful Architect phase due to the hard work of the project team, the Finance Advisory Councils, and other key stakeholders. Requirements have been gathered, gaps have been analyzed, and the team is on the path to develop the first tenant, which will feature over 100 preliminary business process designs and house the first data conversion. Over 80 integrations to and from Workday will be complete when all is said and done.
The first configuration and testing phase, P1 (Prototype I), will continue through the end of May and then the second phase P2 (Prototype 2) will begin. The Finance Advisory Councils will reconvene early this summer to begin providing input on testing scenarios, change management, and security roles.
One thing to note is that the scope of the project has seen a slight change. In February, the ERP Executive Steering Committee approved a scope change for the project’s phases. Previously, Phase I implementation included ABLEH (Anne Bates Leach Eye Hospital) and the University of Miami Hospitals and Clinics. These two specialty hospitals are now part of Phase II, expected to launch in Summer 2018. What does this mean? These specialty hospitals will use Lawson for financial reporting until June 2018.
Here’s to a productive April! Stay tuned to next month’s update to learn more about P1.
- Theresa Ashman

Finance Advisory Council Playback Sessions
The Workday Finance project team is hosting playback sessions for the Finance Advisory Councils and other key stakeholders on each campus. The first session occurred earlier this week on the Coral Gables Campus.
Tomorrow, April 1, a session will occur on the Medical Campus from 10-11:30 a.m. in the Mailman Center Auditorium. Next Wednesday, April 6, a session will be held at RSMAS in the RSMAS Auditorium from 3:30-5 p.m.
Attendees will learn outcomes of the business process design sessions and our approach for P1. These sessions will serve as the Council’s last meetings until May, where next steps will be discussed.

News Regarding Workday HCM
The HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems) team is committed to improving the quality of data within Workday, while reducing opportunities for error. The team reviews validation rules and processes on an ongoing basis. Several recent changes impact Finance roles, including:
CCMs can now:
- See attachments that have been added to the Create Position business process;
- Initiate the Create Position business proces. This will help during the budget process when new positions have been approved.
FBPIs can now:
- Initiate the Change Organization Assignments task for workers in the event default Legacy Value or Cost Center needs to be changed. Approval is still performed by the appropriate CCM.
The Business Justification Document (for Miller School of Medicine), which was previously attached for all compensation changes, is now found within a link in those business processes.

The following individuals have joined project governance and the advisory boards:
- The ERP Executive Steering Committee welcomed Dr. Altschuler (our new CEO of UHealth) to its membership in January.
- The Finance Advisory Board welcomed Rebecca Lee (VCA Neurology). Rebecca replaces Barbara McNamee (VCA Neurological Surgery) who recently retired.
- Charmel Maynard (AVP Treasury) joined the FAB (Finance Advisory Board) in its March meeting.

New Resources Available
The Workday Finance project team is committed to providing you with the information you need to perform your job in Workday. Tip sheets are updated regularly, check back often to get the latest versions. This month, two updates were made, which help with cost centers and costing allocations.
- The new Cost Center Manager Tasks – Verifying the Correct Cost Center tip sheet provides guidance for CCMs who are responsible for employees with multiple jobs in multiple Cost Centers. As a result of security enhancements that provide visibility to all involved CCMs when an employee has multiple jobs, certain business process send tasks to all CCMs inboxes. This tip sheet shows you how to determine if the action item is for your Cost Center and what to do if it isn’t.
You will get the most out of the tip sheets by bookmarking the website, instead of printing them. Tip sheets are updated on a regular basis; bookmarking the site will ensure you are working from the latest version. The project team never wants you to end up with an outdated version, especially in instances where the business process has been enhanced or changed.

Calling All FBPIs
Need to learn more about the Workday (FBPI) Finance Business Process Initiator role or gain more practice using the system? Register today for Workday Business Processes for FBPIs, a 90-minute introductory course addressing costing allocations and payroll accounting adjustments, and costing best practices. This course is open to FBPIs and CCMs. New users and those with some experience are welcome! To register, log in to ULearn and search for upcoming sessions by using the keyword: “FBPI.”
Tip of the Month - Visibility
The Workday Finance project team frequently receives questions about the inability to perform a task on someone “who belongs in my department.” The information you can see is driven by your security role(s). Finance security roles, including CCM, FBPI, FR, and SBO are assigned to Cost Centers.
If an employee has a default Cost Center assignment in a Cost Center to which a Finance role is assigned, this role will be able to see information and initiate tasks related to that employee.
This is different from HCM roles, including HR BPI, Timekeeper, Manager, and HR Partner, which are assigned to Supervisory Orgs. If you have a HCM role, you can see information and tasks related to employees who are members of the Supervisory Org(s) to which your role is assigned.
Tasks and business processes are either Finance (i.e. Costing Allocation, Payroll Accounting Adjustment) or HCM (i.e. Create Job, Change Compensation).
It’s important to know:
- Your security role(s)
- The Cost Center/Supervisory Orgs you can access
- The type of process you are attempting to perform i.e. Finance or HCM
So how do you know the roles you can access? There are two important pieces of information. An employee’s default organization assignments are by position and are found on the Organizations tab within Workday. All Finance roles can see this tab for any employee in the University (it does not contain confidential information).
If the employee is not in an organization you have responsibility for, you can find out who does support them by clicking on Support Roles (also visible for any employee). Scroll down to find the role you’re looking for (e.g. FBPI). If you see your name, you’ll know that individual has assignments in organizations you support. If you click on the related actions icon next to that person’s name, it will open up a box with their phone number, location, and email address.
Do YOU have a tip to share? Please tell us! If your tip is published, you will receive a Transform Your Workday swag item as a thank you. Send your tips to Theresa at t.ashman@miami.edu.