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Workday Finance Newsletter
May 31, 2016

May Update

Happy New Fiscal Year! As we head into June, we transition from Configure & Prototype P1 (Phase 1) into P2 (Phase 2).  During P1, there was a clear increase in the level of energy and activity in GOT 300. Here are some of the activities that we completed through the end of May:

  • Built first tenant for configuration and completed initial “smoke” testing
  • Added configuration for nearly 100 business processes designed during the Business Process Design Workshops
  • Completed data conversions and validated results with CCMs (Cost Center Managers) for five areas (Radiology, Neurology, College of Engineering, UMIT, and Biochemistry & Microbiology)
  • Completed approximately 500 unit test scenarios
  • Worked on functional and technical specifications for almost 70 integrations
  • Built data conversion crosswalks
  • Completed P1 Playbacks for FAC (Finance Advisory Council) members and other key stakeholders, complete with live system demonstrations of configured business processes

The first week of P2 will include a debrief of the playback sessions as we continue to refine business processes to fit UM requirements. We will also hold an Open Lab for FAC members and selected users to get hands-on experience with the P1 tenant. Finally, we will begin building the P2 tenant.

The P2 tenant will have more data and will include the addition of account posting rules, validation rules, and testing of security roles. While P1’s activities may have appeared “simplistic,” P2 will be more “real” as we test the complex scenarios that our business offices encounter daily. During this time, the technical team will be building the integrations for testing in the next phase of the project, SIT (Systems Integration Testing), and we will resume work on designing and building reports.

While you are busy with the end of the fiscal and academic years, we will continue to build and test our prototype to ensure that it meets your future business needs.

Wishing you a great summer!

P1 Open Lab

We are very excited to host the P1 Open Labs during the week of June 6. The P1 Open Lab is limited to FAC members and key stakeholders who have been involved in Deep Dive Workshops and Business Process Design Workshops. The Lab provides an opportunity for these individuals to get hands-on experience in P1 and see first-hand how the system is evolving based on input they have provided. 

During the Lab, participants will have the opportunity to execute any one of the approximately 500 unit test scenarios that we have completed during our P1 testing cycle. We will also collect participants’ thoughts on opportunities for further refinement as well as ideas for more complex testing scenarios in P2.

HCM Updates

-     New! Unapproved Timecards Report. Developed for Workday timecards (vs. Kronos timecards), this report provides an important control point to assure that timecards are properly approved. Managers, HR Partners, and CCM’s have access to this report.

-    University holidays have been added to the Time Off and Leave Calendar of the Manager.

-     Aetna Worker Identification Numbers have been added to the Worker Profile – visible to the employee.

-     A step has been added to the onboarding process to identify a new hire as a rehire. This is important to assure their benefits eligibility is accurately assessed.

-     Deduction timing was modified for 9-month faculty for Vision, Legal Services, and Wellness Center deductions to be more aligned with their pay schedules.

-     New tip sheets were created for eBERF Banking Rules, Onboarding Student, Change Contact Information (Including Mailing Address), Graduates/Trainees/and Fellows, Benefits Enrollment for New Hire, and Benefits Enrollment for New Hire (UMH).

Meet the Team

Each month, the Workday Finance team would like to introduce you to different members of the team. This month, meet Tariq Syed and McCall Mead.

Tariq Syed is a member of the University of Miami ERP Workday Finance project team focusing on P2P (Procure-to-Pay), Expenses and Banking. He comes to us from Supply Chain where he was a Senior Buyer. He is fluent in Spanish, and is the advisor to the Federación de Estudiantes Cubanos (Federation of Cuban Students).  Tariq can often be found at the Wellness Center, trekking away on the treadmill or globe-trotting the world.  

McCall Mead is our Deloitte Functional Lead, who serves as the Deloitte counterpart for Projects, Assets, and Employee Expenses. She works alongside these teams to provide Workday knowledge and support throughout the Finance implementation. When she is not in Miami working on the project, McCall can be found at her home in Texas skeet shooting with friends and family. For those of you that are not familiar with skeet shooting, it is a recreational activity where participants, using shotguns, attempt to break clay targets flung into the air from two fixed stations at high speed from a variety of angles. 

Meet Your New Financial Data Model

The new FDM (Financial Data Model) has been developed and details can be found here. There are 16 elements to the FDM that drive business processes and capture critical information for reporting. In previous newsletters, you learned about Company, Spend Category, and Grant. This month’s featured element is Gift.  “Gifts” are endowments whereas “Basic Gifts” are non-endowed.

Basic Gift is similar to Grant, Program, and Project, as all four of these elements correlate to existing FRS accounts that can be used for expenditures. Most business processes will require at least one of these elements and they can be used in costing allocations, purchase requisitions, expense reimbursements, and ad hoc payments. 

As with current practice, Gifts are created in Raiser’s Edge and tracked by donor. Integrations between Workday and Raiser’s Edge will provide critical information between systems. When set up in Workday, Gift (whether basic or not) will include Cost Center and any restrictions.  A Gift (or endowment) will also have information on contributions which provides information on the Gift’s funding.  This history will include the donor, the date, amount, and the number of units that resulted from the contribution.

Workday functionality provides a number of very exciting improvements over our legacy system. In particular, for Gift, endowment units, restrictions, book value, and market value will be tracked in Workday.  A Basic Gift will also have more information than you have today, including its purpose.

View the FDM

Systems Impact

Last month, we shared information about how Workday will replace key processes currently performed in Ariba. This month, we wanted to talk about FRS (Financial Records System). 

FRS is the University’s legacy financial system that was implemented in the 1980s. Workday will replace FRS and serve as the official system of record for financial transactions. As a result, after June 1, 2017, FRS Accounts will no longer be used. The project team is currently mapping FRS Accounts, attributes, and subobjects to the Workday FDM to support data conversion. Once the mapping is finalized, we will make it available to assist you when you need to crosswalk the “old” FRS terminology to the “new” Workday term.

Once Workday is implemented, you will review information about your Gifts, Grants, Programs, and Projects in Workday. However, legacy data will remain available for historical research and record retention . 

News on Costing Allocations with Expired or Expiring Legacy Values

Even though Workday Legacy Values include sponsored accounts, Workday does not have the same information on a Grant that FRS/SPM includes in its system. As a result, Legacy Values are inactivated based on status changes in FRS. 

To assist you with managing costing allocations that include sponsored accounts (Legacy Values that begin with a 6), ORA (Office of Research Administration) will be sending reports to CCMs twice a month that includes a list of employees who have costing allocations that include a Legacy Value that is either expired or will expire in that period. 

If you receive this report, please take action to correct that employee’s costing allocations to a valid value.

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